The Same Holy Ghost Part 3 "Binding Up the Brokenhearted"
What is meant by the Heart?
How does a Heart become Shattered?
How Does the Holy Spirit Bind up the Brokenhearted?
חֶרְפָּה (ḥerpâ). n. fem. reproach, insult, scorn, taunting, abuse. A reproach or insult; the one so insulted.
Break (Preach part 2 tonight)
Does Jesus Care.
Blessed Assurance.
The Love of God
(ḥābaš). vb. to bind up. Used literally to describe the bandaging of wounds, and figuratively to describe the healing of brokenness.
The term is usually used to describe the binding of materials together. Several authors use the verb to indicate the act of saddling a donkey (e.g., Gen 22:3; Num 22:21; 1 Kgs 2:40). However, the term is also used to refer to the binding of wounds so they may heal; this generally appears in the OT as a metaphor for God’s care for his people (Hos 6:1; Psa 147:3; Job 5:18). Isaiah also uses the term to refer to the figurative binding up of the brokenhearted (Isa 61:1).
oil and wine—the remedies used in such cases all over the East (Is 1:6), and elsewhere; the wine to cleanse the wounds, the oil to assuage their smartings.